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Decoding the Cost of Porcelain Veneers: the Value Behind the Price Tag

Written by Dr. Omid Farahmand | Nov 22, 2023

At a Glance:

Many factors go into determining the cost of getting porcelain veneers. If you are reading this blog, you may have already done some research and learned that in California , particularly Southern California, porcelain veneer costs can range from $1,200 to $2,500 per tooth. You may wonder "Why such a wide variation?" As a practitioner who worked in the industry for decades, I will try my best to unravel the factors behind the cost, empowering you to make informed decisions based on your own situation.

Practice Location and Size

The geographic location and size of the dental practice where you receive porcelain veneers play a significant role in determining the overall cost:

  • Overhead Costs: While larger dental practices may offer convenience and accessibility, their higher overhead costs often translate into steeper treatment fees. However, the abundance of advertising and online information associated with these practices makes it easier for patients to find and research their services.
  • Living Expenses: Higher living expenses in major cities and affluent neighborhoods also translate into higher overhead costs regardless of the size of the practice. As a result, dental practices in these areas may charge higher fees for porcelain veneers.
  • Demand and Competition: In densely populated areas with a high demand for cosmetic dentistry services, dental practices may charge more due to increased competition and the ability to command higher prices. Conversely, areas with lower demand and fewer competing practices may offer more competitive pricing.
  • Practice Reputation and Clientele: Well-established dental practices with a reputation for high-quality cosmetic dentistry and a clientele willing to pay premium prices may charge more for porcelain veneers. 
  • Tourism: In areas frequented by tourists, dental practices may cater to a clientele willing to pay higher prices for cosmetic treatments, potentially leading to increased fees for porcelain veneers.

Therefore, dental services, particularly cosmetic procedures like porcelain veneers, will be more expensive in cities like Los Angeles. Among all dental clinics in Los Angeles, those in Beverly Hills are typically more prestigious and charge higher fees due to high demand and elevated reputation. 

Skill and Experience: The Cornerstone of Quality

Another key factor is the skill and experience of the dentist. While any licensed dentist can technically perform the procedure, not all possess the specialized training, experience, and artistic eye required for optimal results. 

Cosmetic solutions, particularly porcelain veneers, demand a deep understanding of dental anatomy, color theory, and the ability to create natural-looking, aesthetically pleasing restorations.

As a dentist with extensive experience in cosmetic dentistry, I often encounter patients who have had unsatisfactory experiences with porcelain veneers due to the lack of expertise of their chosen dentist. 

I vividly recall a patient who came to me after receiving porcelain veneers from a dentist who did not specialize in cosmetic dentistry but undermined the difficulty of “doing it right.” The veneers were ill-fitting, causing discomfort and speech impediments. Additionally, the color and shape of the veneers were artificial and unnatural, leaving the patient with a smile that was far from what they had envisioned.

It is important to exercise your own judgment and carefully evaluate each potential provider before making a final decision. Do not hesitate to seek recommendations from trusted sources and ask questions during consultation. 

Listen to their answers, not only to check if they have the experiences but also to “feel them out,” to see if they are honest and skill at communication

Honesty and Transparency

In my opinion as a practitioner, honesty and transparency are paramount. While dentists possess licenses, they may not excel in every aspect of dentistry. Avoid those who misrepresent their expertise. Seek dentists who openly acknowledge their limitations and refer you to specialists when needed. Remember, quality care comes from a dentist who can address your specific needs, not a jack-of-all-trades.

In my own practice, I often refer patients with significant teeth or gum infections to colleagues who specialize in endodontics or periodontics for root canal treatments or corrective gum/bone surgeries. While I am technically qualified to perform these procedures, I believe that patients are best served by specialists with extensive training and experience in these specific areas.

Communication Skill of a Dentist

Cosmetic dentistry is a highly subjective field, and you want to ensure that your dentist understands and shares your aesthetic vision. Effective communication is also crucial, as your dentist will liaise with the dental lab to create your veneers that will permanently be on your teeth. 

The Dental Lab: An Unsung Hero

Behind the scenes, the dental lab your dentist chooses plays an equally critical role in porcelain veneer success. The lab technicians and ceramists are responsible for crafting the custom veneers, ensuring they match your desired shape, color, and translucency. 

Given that patients have limited influence over the lab selection process, it's essential to trust your dentist to prioritize your best interests and have the ability to communicate on your behalf with the lab. If you are interested in the role of dental labs, I have another article to dive into that.

Read More About Dental Labs >>>>


Navigating the world of cosmetic dentistry can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding the cost of porcelain veneers. While the price tag may seem intimidating, it's important to recognize the value behind it. The cost reflects the expertise, experience, and artistry required to create a natural-looking, long-lasting smile that enhances your confidence.

When choosing a dentist for porcelain veneers, prioritize those who possess a deep understanding of dental aesthetics, demonstrate clear communication skills, and maintain transparency throughout the entire process. Remember, the investment in your smile is an investment in your well-being and self-esteem.